Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Our house (or should I say resort ?)

At last, some photos of our new rental house (we moved in on 24th Dec). And yes, I picked the sunniest day to take the pictures!

We're here for atleast the next 6 months - until our house is ready!

I think it's a cute 1BR house, built Thai style... which means our bedroom and kitchen are separate lockable rooms only accessible from the balcony (ie. you have to walk outside to get from the bedroom to the kitchen). Fortunately there's an ensuite bathroom. The locks are very simple - padlocks!!

Since we've been going through the plans for our new house (the one we're building), I learnt a cute name for the hose that's next to the toilet - our builder called it a 'Lower Shower'... and yes, all Thai houses have them. Totally irrelevant, but interesting nonetheless...

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