Thursday, December 07, 2006


I've been doing some Yoga over the last few weeks at a groovy Yoga Cafe in Bophut. I'm sure that I'm the worst in the class, and some of the moves are way too technical for me... but there's nothing like a challenge, and I've got nothing but time! I signed up for a 2 month course today - so I'll give you an update on my skills in February :-)

Although I'm going to another island this weekend - SINGAPORE!! Wait for the update next week...


Unknown said...

Hi Tammy,

Happy to know you and Ian are doing great on the island.

I am simply envy you as you are heading to Singapore. Good friends and nice food. Chiken rice, Black/Chile crab, laksa, Bak Kut Teh, Indian food, sea food, fresh fruits, etc. You must visit EN Japanese restraunt. Have fun!

BTW, I will meet up with Singapore foot ball team mate at Singapore reastraunt in Tokyo soon.



Tammy & Ian said...

Hi Eguchi,
Guess what? We went to En Dining Bar for my birthday dinner last weekend, and Hirosei-san is still there. Yum-Yum! I also met up with Susie and her new 'little un' Marie.

Take care..

Tammy :-)