Monday, December 18, 2006

The last few weeks

I really should update the blog more often... and then they'd be 'short & sweet'. But time seems to whizz by on this island, and finding time to sit down & write blogs proves difficult. So here goes;

Ian & I had a great weekend in Singapore - catching up with Michaela, Suren+Zeena, Ting, Steph+Ray and Susie.... eating at some of our old favourites (En Dining Bar, Gurka Grill) and some great new places (Whitebait, The Wine Garage), and of course some retail therapy! :-)

The reason that we were in Singapore you may ask? Well, Ian has gone back to the corporate world for 2 short months - contracting for Citibank (a Wall Street client). He will be commuting between Samui & Singapore (1.5 hour flight), and spending weekends with me in Samui. It's Ian's 3rd week in Singapore - and although he's counting down till the end of the contract (Jan 31), he's been house sitting (and rabbit sitting) for our friend Ting, and indulging in yummy Singaporean food such as Hokkien Mee.

While Ian's doing the big city thing.. I get to do all the hard stuff... like moving house, and ongoing discussions with builders about our architectural drawings! Oh... and in between, hanging out at the beach & some yoga! :-)

Actually we're moving house today, to a smaller 'hut' - aka a cute 1BR house, in a resort like complex with a big swimming pool, just 3 minutes away from our 'plot'. You'd think I was responsible enough to move house on my own (I mean I've done it enough times).. but just yesterday I slipped and sprained my ankle.. so now I'm hobbling around with a walking stick :-(

I took ownership of a set of architectural/structural drawings last week - all 36 pages - and spent a few hours going through them. Marking up the amendments reminded me of marking up brochures in a previous life - but I think the builder wished I hadn't had so much experience in this area - he jokingly commented that perhaps I should spend more time shopping - and less time on the drawings :-)

Anyway, we should have a final set of drawings this week (fingers crossed) and then the quote/bill of materials will follow (what a lovely Christmas present?).

I've just put the Christmas carols on, and starting to get into the Christmas spirit. Tomorrow I'm going to the SOS Christmas Lunch - with a bunch of Samui ladies, and we will be spending Christmas Day with our friends Wendy & Roger (in Samui).

Apologies in advance - we're not sending out Christmas cards this year, but will be sending an electronic version soon.


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