Saturday, November 25, 2006

It's been a long time

I just realised it's been 2 weeks since we last wrote.. sorry about that! The weather's been great recently (good for swimming at the beach), and we've been out a bit with Troy & Danielle (see previous post - it was their wedding on 12th November).

Last Sunday we went to a party at one of the local bars (Club 44). It was their 2nd birthday party (the bar obviously, not the staff). We organised some flowers for them (a huge basket of lilies, roses, etc for less than 10 pounds)... it's something you do in Asia, when places are opening up or celebrating - you give flowers to restaurants & bars. They put on some really yummy food, of which Prem (Kik's daughter) did most of the cooking on the BBQ.

I've learnt another useful Thai phrase - "No Problem". I don't know how you spell it, but it sounds like "Mai Pe Lai".

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