Thursday, November 09, 2006

Another Visitor

Yes this is a scorpion... yes it was in our bathroom...
However our cleaner, who found it, had no trouble capturing it on her brush and depositing it outside. While they do sting, these little scorpions (this one was only abut as long as my little finger) are not particularly dangerous.


Unknown said...


EEEKKK a scorpion?!?! Not keen on things like that lol good news tho, i got the go ahead to buy my house so I have to act mature now :) n Tammy what are the fried (things) in the Loy Kratung blog??


Tammy & Ian said...

They are fried insects - grasshoppers, etc. I don't like them, but Ian does...

Today we had a small cobra outside our house (about 0.5m long). Our neighbour helped to get rid of it (it's now in snake heaven).