Tuesday, February 20, 2007


To escape from our tough life on Samui, we have just been to Penang, another South East Asian island which is situated just off the west coast of Malaysia. Our friends from London JP and Nicola are currently traveling round the the region and this was a chance to meet up and compare war stories (where the best/worst beaches - food - public toilets etc can be found). To compare our stories about Penag check out their travel blog - http://www.travellerstaleof.blogspot.com

Our trip involved a ferry to the mainland and then an overnight train, then another ferry to Penang itself - all quite exciting for Tammy who hadn't left Samui since her trip to Singapore last December.
Penang itself is a real cultural contrast to Samui - despite it's similar size and geographic location. The population is half chinese half Malay and there is also a significant European colonial history . As it was Chinese New year when we were there the Chinese influence was in full force - note the giant sized joss sticks in the first photo!

As well as having a significant modern port town, Penang also has several National Parks which we explored on foot - a pleasant change from Samui where we seem to do more driving than walking...
The food in Penang is great - authentic Indian, Chinese, Malay and of course seafood are all widely available and pretty cheap -even compared to Samui. All the food and drink in the picture cost about ten pounds - including the freshest (and tastiest) whole red snapper we've ever had - bargain!

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