Sunday, June 24, 2007

Shopping and Sailing

It's been a pretty hectic week as we prepare for our wedding guests, but we have found time for some retail therapy. We have managed to buy practically all of the furniture we need for the house on Samui [something that would not have been possible six years ago when Tammy first came here as many things simply weren't available).

The local prices are a bit higher than Bangkok, but after taking into account transport costs and the reduced risk of miscommunication/logistical mess ups, we were happy to pay the premium. The fact that we sourced some of the stuff from "Khun Yot", who has helped furnish many of our neighbours over the last few years, meant that we got a pretty good deal, plus he already knows where to deliver.

We have been on a food and booze shopping spree today because we are off for a few day on a sailing trip with our great friends Dave and Michelle from London tomorrow. This should be a real blast as we have around 9 months of to catch up on!

Ian's parents arrive on the day we get back and then it will be full on into the wedding schedule - hope we find time to keep the blog updated!

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