Sunday, October 15, 2006

Haircuts and flat tyres

On Friday I (Tammy) got my first haircut in Thailand, down at Cheong Mon. My hair was cut & styled, and shoulders massaged for 100 baht (that's around $3 Aussie). I was a little concerned about the 'style' because I didn't really give much guidance to the hair dresser - other than it's been around 2 months since my last hair cut, and can you make it shorter! It's quite hot here this weekend, so I'm happy to have short hair again... and will be going back next month. I'll post some pics soon.

Onto another completely unrelated story.. flat tyres. Last night we were driving towards the beach for a refreshing swim, when a bloke on a motor bike pointed at the tyres on our jeep... and said something in Thai that we didn't understand. Never mind, the universal pointing at tyres thing did the trick, so we pulled over to check them out. One of our back tyres was low, so we aborted the swim idea and drove towards our nearest petrol station, about 10 mins drive away... only to find out that they didn't have any Air. This confused us, because we had stopped at a petrol station on the other side of the island only a few days earlier and saw that they had air. Anyway, we drove on to the 2nd petrol station, normally around 15 mins drive... but we were in rush hour, and it took longer. Only to find out that they didn't have air either... I was baffled.. where was the air... the petrol attendants somehow communicated to go back to the lights & turn right (since there's only a couple of traffic lights on the island, the directions were easy to follow). On the way, we fortunately drove past a tyre shop and asked them for their (by now) much needed help... to fill our tyre with air. Which they did for free. Very nice fellows, so we have them a tip.

Onwards, now, and probably an hour later... we decided to go to the beach for a couple of refreshing ales... and stopped off at the 3rd petrol station... this time to fill up with petrol. Hhere in Samui they have petrol attendants standing by the bowser and you don't have to get out the car. The girl who served us looked like she was in her early teens, so I'm hoping it was her weekend job, and not a full time job!

Anyway, with the jeep back in working order, we then headed back to Chaweng, and enjoyed a couple of drinks at a beachside bar. Epic journey over... we could finally relax!

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