Tuesday, September 26, 2006

September end

Apologies for the delay - amazing how the days can pass so quickly on the island - swimming, exploring,drinking etc...
We have been busy getting ourselves established as well, we are renting a humle two bedroom place near the plot from our friends Roger and Wendy on a month by month basis for now. Can't upload pictures at the moment so you'll have to imagine it...
We are also the proud owners (for 6 months anyway) of jeep, it has 100,000 on the clock and the speedo doesn't work (not a problem on the island - speeds rarely ever exceed 20mph anywhere!) , but it has 4 wheel drive and gets us from A to B in relative comfort.
I have also set up a local bank account, much easier than expected, the main challenge was selcting which of the 10 different funky ATM card styles on offer to choose!
In terms of the project we have been tinkering with our design after seeing some of the other houses on the hill in a completed state, and talking to a few builders. Luckily the recent oil price increases haven't had too much of an effect on building costs yet, there is also a greater chice of building materials and fixtures,fittings etc available than a few years ago - we now have a wide range of toilet seats to choose from!
Will try to update the blog on weekly(ish) basis from now on, cheers
Ian and Tammy

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